Frequently Asked Questions

Order related

All queries related to Orders

I did not receive my order confirmation e-mail. What do I do now?
If you haven't received the order confirmation email in your inbox, you might want to check your spam or trash folder. If you don't find the email in spam or trash box, do not hesitate to write in to us at and one of our agents will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

How do I know my order has been confirmed?
Once your order has been logged and the payment has been authorized by your bank, you should receive a receipt via email, confirming your order. Additionally, you can head over to Account page, click orders and see all your orders.

Can my order be modified after it has been placed?
Yes. To modify your order, you can send us an email to with your Order number and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. However, be sure to let us know the changes before your order has been shipped. Once the products have left our fulfilment centre, we'll not be able to modify the order.

When does “HighTea” charge my credit card?
We charge your card only after you've added the items to cart and have confirmed the products you wish to buy, the shipping address and the delivery option you wish to use.

Shipping related

Frequently asked question about shipping

Do you ship internationally? And how much does it cost?
Yes, we do! “HighTea” works with multiple delivery partners to deliver teas the world over. Head over to our Shipping page to see more information about costs and estimated time.

How long does it take for “HighTea” to ship out the products?
Orders received before noon IST (Indian Standard Time) usually ship out the same business day. Orders received after this time generally leave the next business day. Please note that our delivery partners, Aramex/DHL/FedEx do not deliver “HighTea” orders on Saturday or Sundays.

What if I want to change my address?
You can change the address of your order by sending us an email using this form. Alternatively, you can also email us at and we'll do it right away. Be sure to change your address before the order has been dispatched from our fulfilment centre because it wouldn't be possible for us to change the address once it’s been dispatched.

Packaging related

Frequently asked question about shipping

How are the teas packed?
We're obsessed about preserving the freshness of our teas, once they come over from the plantations. Our teas are stored in odour-less, cool, dehumidified environment. Our 100 gm packs are vacuum sealed ensuring that they are insulated from any kind of contamination while they are in transit.

Product quality or ingredients

Frequently asked questions about ingredients or product quality

Do you use any artificial flavouring or synthetic substances in your teas?
No, we do not use any artificial flavouring or synthetic substances in our teas. At “HighTea”, we're committed to selling 100% natural teas, fresh from the source. We do not use any kind of additives or synthetic flavours in our teas.

Cancellations & returns

Frequently asked questions about Cancellations & returns

How do I cancel my order?
To cancel your order, please send us an email to with your order details and we'll cancel it promptly. Please note that we do not accept cancellations once the teas have been dispatched from our fulfilment centre.

How do you refund my money?
There are two modes of refund.

  • •   Store credit: You can either choose to add this money to your store credit, which you can use at a future date. This happens within 12 hours from cancellation.
  • •   Back to source: In this case, the money will be debited back to your account. This typically takes about 7-10 working days.

Once you've cancelled your order, “HighTea” will process the refund based on your choice mode of refund.

What's your general cancellations policy?
Orders must be cancelled before the tea is shipped from our fulfillment centre. Unfortunately, once the tea has been shipped from our fulfillment centre, we will be unable to cancel the order.

I'm not too happy with the tea (or have received the wrong shipment). What do I do now?
Customer satisfaction is our top priority at “HighTea”, and to ensure that our customers receive only the best quality teas! However, if you believe we made a mistake with the quality, quantity, or contents of your order, all you need to do is contact us by email at We will gladly assist you in finding the best solution.

How do I return my order?
We take pride in bringing you the freshest tea, and tea, like any other natural vegetable or fruit, is perishable. We consider returned goods, as compromised in freshness and hence "HighTea" does not accept returns. Instead, please contact us at, and we will do everything we can to resolve the issue. At the end of the day, your satisfaction is what matters to us.
